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Speaking to a Peacekeeper about Elections

Who you’re talking to dictates what you say. Review our Communication Styles if you haven’t already. And remember: These examples show communication skills, and do not indicate correct or incorrect viewpoints.

Choose the communication style of the person you’re speaking to:

If you hear them say…

“It doesn’t matter who won in 2020. Let’s just focus on other things.”

👍 Try this…

“I’m not here to fight. I’m genuinely curious about everyone’s views here.”

  • Acknowledge their feelings and offer reassurance.
👎 Avoid this…

“If you can’t handle this conversation, you don’t have to participate.”

  • Don’t be mean to a Peacekeeper who is already anxious.

If you hear them say…

“You know the rules: We don’t talk religion and we don’t talk politics.”

👍 Try this…

“I get it. We can talk about this another time.”

  • Table the conversation for a different day.
👎 Avoid this…

“Why are you so afraid to talk about this?”

  • Your Peacekeeper will worry you’re trying to start a fight.

If you hear them say…

“I don’t understand why you’re always harping on the last election.”

👍 Try this…

“I think we can have a civil conversation about this.”

  • Distinguish between nasty arguments and genuine efforts to understand.
👎 Avoid this…

“I think you’re hiding from this because it makes you uncomfortable.”

  • Accusations make Peacekeepers even more anxious.

Additional communication styles...